Monday, April 14, 2014

Mark Twain Post Picture

Mark Twain is the creative author who wrote Huck Finn. His creativity is among those that have a brain that works and transmits in different ways. His descriptive tendencies keep readers intrigued. The use of his dialect is a bit hard to understand, but if you get past that, it is a great novel.


At April 15, 2014 at 8:17 PM , Blogger farmerbrown said...

Your right it is hard to understand him sometimes in his writing, and that say a lot when a good potion of my family acts and talks like that. However your still right when said if you get past that, it is a really great novel.

At April 16, 2014 at 5:41 AM , Blogger Cowboots said...

I agree that his writing is hard to understand at times but he uses the characters' way of talking to depict the era and area as to where this would take place. If they are lower class, they talk like they are. If they are from the South, the talk like they are.

At April 16, 2014 at 7:02 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

His writing does a good job of taking you back in time and showing you what life was really like back in the day. i enjoy reading his books because of the way he writes and speaks


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