Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Huck and Jim Went Up the Hill to Fetch A Pale of Water

I am starting to realize how good Huck and Jim are for each other, (despite Huck causing Jim to get bit by a snake). Huck and Jim both have had hard unjust lives, but now they both have someone to have their backs'. Huck helps Jim by providing meals and by helping him with the use of his educated mind, while Jim teaches Huck subconsciously about how terrible their society is to the African-American slaves. If and when they do have to travel, it will be much safer for Jim to travel with a white person than by himself. For instance, Jim wouldn't be able to just paddle down the stream himself, but with Huck, Jim can lie down while Huck paddles. I also find it quite humorous that even though Jim is quite a bit older than Huck, they tend to be at the same mental stage. Actually, Jim is even more naive than Huck. This just shows how much an education can do.


At April 16, 2014 at 9:16 PM , Blogger GreatWaterShark said...

I think that even though they possess the same intellectual level, Jim is still in a lot of trouble and is still really in danger since Huck is still a child and they are both wanted.

At April 17, 2014 at 5:35 AM , Blogger Jane Doe said...

I do agree that Jim is still in a lot of danger no matter what, but it helps to have Huck with him to help out in what ever situation they get into. I know Huck is only twelve, but he is still higher on the social rank than Jim is.


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