Ridiculous Superstition
Jim is superstitious to an extreme. Nearly everything is a sign of bad luck, or will bring bad luck. He also uses ridiculous logic to back his superstitions. He knew a man who looked at the moon over his left shoulder, and then got drunk and fell off a roof and died. 2 years later. This drunkard managed to kill himself whilst drunk, and it was all because he looked at the moon over the wrong shoulder 2 years prior. Jim consistently uses such logic to back these obnoxious superstitions, and it seems to make all the sense in the world to Huck. Huck would kind of think some of these things were nonsense until Jim justified the superstition with something that makes even less sense.
Though Jim's superstition may be a little ridiculous, it is usually something embedded in you your whole life. Jim is a slave, which makes a lot of sense why he would be very superstitious. As it could get annoying at times, it's just another characteristic of a person and who they are. Jim ignoring his superstitions would more than likely make him uncomfortable and unhappy. It's just another characteristic to get used to, which Huck seems to have accomplished.
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