Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Sarah Mary Williams

I found it surprising that Huck almost got caught when he spoke with Mrs. Loftus, because he has managed to fake his death and continue to be on the run. It was nerve wracking to find out that people thought Jim killed Huck. Jim has had it pretty hard too. Slaves weren't always treated the greatest because they were black and blacks were considered "bad". Mrs. Loftus seemed like a nice lady and she wanted to help Huck, but it was smart of him to not tell her what was really going on because she could have told her husband or other people that Huck was still alive and Jim was with him. Huck wouldn't have probably ended back up with his father. I hope that Huck and Jim can continue on their run and find somewhere safe where no one can find them.


At April 16, 2014 at 7:19 AM , Blogger 24Cookies said...

I found it very interesting how easily she found out that he wasn't a girl. By the way he held the knitting needle, the way his legs were and how he acted. I agree that it was probably best that he didn't say anything to her about what was really going on and why he was really hiding. That showed how well he was at making up stories on the spot.


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