Wait... What?
So, I wasn't here yesterday... (Shocker, I know). But now I am reading all of these posts on Huck faking his own death?? Someone explain to me what happened. Forreal. -_- So, since I am not 100% on what's going on, I will just say a few things because, well... I can. ;) So, Huck is a very odd character. I don't even think of him as 12 year old kid (that's how old he's supposed to be right??). Well he had a lot of money, and was smart enough to put it in the bank. If it were me, I would have that spent in one day. He needs to have more of an open mind, and use his imagination more. To be honest, I wouldn't want to be friends with him. I suppose he wouldn't be a stick in the mud, but he is too bland. >:|
I disagree, I love Huck's character, as the story develops you really see how deep huck is. And as for him being unimaginative you should really re-read him faking his own death. That took a lot of creativity to plan on the killing of the hog, adding his hair, and the corn meal leading them the wrong way.
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