Wednesday, April 16, 2014

do u even dialect

I absolutely love Mark Twains use of southern dialect in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. It fits the piece so well and makes it more enjoyable to read. At some parts of the book its a little difficult to read, but I feel as though its okay because it just creates a good character effect and it makes piece better. Some people complain about how they cant understand it and his use of dialect is too hard to read and they don't think Twain should write like that. They are wrong though. They just need to read more and understand that this use of dialect makes the book all the more better. If Twain just had all the characters talk normally, it would be way more boring and you wouldn't be able to get into the book as much.   


At April 16, 2014 at 7:45 AM , Blogger XxXxQuikSkopezxXxX said...

I agree with all of that and I do have trouble reading Jim's part but I think it adds to the book and your right It would be rather boring if he just wrote it all normally,

At April 16, 2014 at 8:31 PM , Blogger Jane Doe said...

I absolutely love the southern twang and dialect Twain uses. It makes the book in my opinion. I have to slow down and really concentrate especially when reading Jim's parts. Mrs. Ray does the best job of characterizing him during class reads in my opinion.


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