Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Huck's Dad Sucks

I don't like the way that Huck's dad treats him like he is nothing but a means to money.and like Huck is his property and that Huck has to be less than him. most parents would love to have their child have the opportunity to go to a good school and live in a nice house with a nice family but his dad only wants to be better than Huck and doesn't want him to be smart or have proper manners. His dad is also a terrible drunkard who would do anything for more alcohol like lie to a judge and sell a jacket that the judge gave him to get money for more alcohol. In my opinion I think Huck's dad is a terrible father.


At April 16, 2014 at 7:35 AM , Blogger Harry Styles♥ said...

First of all, I must say that I TOTALLY agree with you. Huck's dad needs to like, go jump off a cliff and die. :D Of course, I mean that in the nicest way possible. xD So, I feel so bad for Huck, because he seemed like he was doing okayish with the widow. I mean, of course he was better off with her, than anyone else, as far as I'm concerned. BUT, with that being said, he still didn't seem happy. Unfortunately, Huck has had to deal with a lot in his life, at such a young age too. Maybe we will see things lighten up for him. :s

At April 16, 2014 at 7:36 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I agree with you. on some levels, I think that parent's deserve some respect, but I pap just kind of grinds my gears because he has no respect for himself, his son, or anybody else for that matter.

At April 16, 2014 at 7:38 AM , Blogger HippieWomen said...

I totally agree that Huck's father is a terrible father. He does not know how to treat a child because he is always drunk. The fact that he kidnaps his son is ridiculous. I would run away as well if I were Huck. Huck is very smart and I wasn't surprised that he could fake his own murder because he has such a big imagination. I hope that he doesn't have another encounter with his dad but you never know what could happen...

At April 16, 2014 at 7:41 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I absolutely despise Pap and Twain does a great job on making the reader hate Pap. Nobody likes a drunk because they are just so annoying. When Pap is mentioned in the book my brain just goes insane.

At April 16, 2014 at 7:46 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, that's how alcoholics are. They are selfish and will do anything for more alcohol. It sucks that Huck had to go through that, and he is so lucky that he could fake his own death to get away from him. I'm also surprised that he's so calm with his dad and not totally crazy.

At April 16, 2014 at 7:46 AM , Blogger MarilynMonrosie said...

I agree with you fully. Pap displays horrible behavior and parenting towards Huck. If there was am award for being worst parent he'd get it! He doesn't let Huck be his own person or express himself at all. Parents are there to be mentors and listen to your problems and be a good remodel for you. Pap does the exact opposite.

At May 7, 2014 at 8:17 PM , Blogger GreatWaterShark said...

Huck is what he is because of his father, so it shows character development because of a cause-effect relationship with his father. Even though he is a terrible father, maybe it's the way he's raised as a child or if this is a common thing for people like him to do, since Huck isn't a good child and he may turn out like is father.


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