Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Brave Boy

Huck is one brave boy going into town disguised as a women. There are so many risks of being caught or recognized by anyone he comes in contact with. He ends up finding out some useful information about what people have been thinking about his disappearance, along with Jims disappearance. There are some possibilities that there maybe some people coming to the Jacksons island. I wonder what he will do...leave the island or try to fight back? I think that Huck and Jim will try to relocate as fast as they can, but either way it will be risky.


At April 16, 2014 at 7:27 AM , Blogger $Russel Doyle$ said...

I agree with you that Huck is brave. However, I also believe that he is extremely carless by some of the decisions that he makes. Every one thinks that he is dead and he is risking people finding out about that.

At April 16, 2014 at 7:34 AM , Blogger 24Cookies said...

After Huck found out that people are still out looking for them I would hope that he and Jim decide to relocate. But I also think that it will be hard to find a place to stay like the cavern that they have on the island. I am interested to find out what they will do .

At April 16, 2014 at 7:50 AM , Blogger hey_someone_actually... said...

yeah he is brave but he also need to watch what he is saying and he also needs to start facing the consequences because if one person has already noticed him then other people probably will

At April 16, 2014 at 7:57 AM , Blogger MarilynMonrosie said...

I agree with you that he is brave. At any moment in time he could of been recognized and that was such a risky thing to do. Good thing he hadn't got caught. That would be awful!


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