Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Huck is a Duck

As a reader, possessing somewhat of a poetic attitude towards literature, I would like to liken Sir Huckleberry Finn to an aquatic bird known as a duck. A duck, already knowing how to swim, will be taught by other, older ducks how to dive under the water. The duck will learn over time how to remain under water for extended periods of time. Like a duck, Huckleberry Finn has been taught how to go under water by the Widow Douglass, and he has been taught well. Also, like a duck, no matter how long Huckleberry Finn stays under the water of education and etiquette, when he comes up out of the water back to his old life in the cabin with his father, the proverbial water rolls right off of his oily back. This makes Huck, well... a duck.  


At April 14, 2014 at 6:42 AM , Blogger Dreadhoe said...

What the heck..


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