Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I love the way the author portrays Huck as a smart but also uneducated kid at the same time. Huck makes me want to live out in a cabin and not give a care. But the relationship between Huck and Pap is strange. It's like he loves but hates him all at the same time, I cannot tell if he wants to be with him or if he's being held against his will to stay. What I don't understand is why did Huck stay so long when Pap beat him so often? 


At April 9, 2014 at 7:01 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I think Huck stayed with Pap even though he beat him often, is because he would rather be beat than go back with the widow and have to learn and follow rules. He wanted to be free-spirited, but beat, more than he wanted to be controlled and smart.

At April 9, 2014 at 7:48 AM , Blogger Jane Doe said...

I believe the reason of Huck's staying despite the beatings of Pap, is that that is what he has grown up with. He doesn't know how a real fathers love is. This is common in abusive relationships. For example there are many cases in where a woman is being abused by her partner, but she still loves him and it takes a while for her to realize the relationship isn't healthy and natural. Even after that it takes a lot of courage to leave. I think that is what is pictured here in this story. It was a normal life to Huck, until the last beating where he was almost killed and that just pushed him over the edge.


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