Monday, April 14, 2014

Jackson Island and Jim

This is a perfect example of Jackson Island. I was so glad huck found Jim. I am really excited to see how their relationship develops. I love the fact that Huck doesn't see Jim by his color, only by what he truly is. I think this is because Huck too was judged for his outward appearance. Huck and Jims relationship now though I feel is a lot based on survival. I think is they both want to survive that need each other not just for survival but also companionship. I really cant wait to see how the explore this island and how well they both learn the land.


At April 14, 2014 at 6:44 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I agree, I think its great that Huck is not completely alone. I do feel like Huck sees Jim as just another person, not a slave. Its great to see them get along and I'm excited to see how they tackle whatever happens next on the island. I think Jim also needed some comfort. He seems much better about running away with Huck's support.

At April 14, 2014 at 7:46 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

I agree Huck and Jim's relationship could be only as companionship for survival, but it could also be that Huck sees himself in Jim. Since Huck had been judged multiple times through out the book it would only make sense that Huck would not see Jim as a slave since Jim had also been judged for his skin color. I also can't wait to see what happens next.


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