Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Huck is Brave

This book is really interesting. I like how Huck is calm and brave throughout these past few chapters, even when his pap is running around drunk and beating him. I'm surprised he doesn't mind staying with his pap in the middle of no where, even though his dad is psycho and abusing him, when he could be staying in a totally safe house, living like a normal kid. Living with an alcoholic can be really scare to deal with, but he still does it. Huck is a really smart kid, basically raising his self and staying out of trouble (for the most part). So far, I'd say my favorite part is when pap is really drunk and starts going after Huck, trying to kill him, because Huck is able to get away from him without dying or getting hurt, and then after he's able to fake his own death to escape from pap. Being able to fake his own death and escaping his pap is really fearless, and living out in the middle of no where on his own is impressive. Overall I like this book a lot, and I cannot wait to get more into it.


At April 14, 2014 at 6:47 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Totally agree. I too love the part when Huck is being chased by Pap. It's awesome that he did get away from the cabin, and is now on his own doing his own thing.


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